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Sen. Clinton Victory in Pennsylvania

In Barack Obama, Democracy, Democrats, Election 2008, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Polling and Surveys on April 22, 2008 at 10:19 pm

As of this posting (10:19pm CST), CNN is reporting Sen. Hillary Clinton the victor in the Pennsylvania primary, 10 points ahead of Sen. Barack Obama and 88% of the precincts reporting.

The exit polls were already showing a sharp division per CNN:

Exit polls indicated that Philadelphia and its suburbs made up more than 30 percent of the vote, and those boxes were tilted heavily toward Obama. But Clinton supporters turned out heavily in Pittsburgh and the counties of western Pennsylvania, and she was racking up similarly lopsided margins in the state’s industrial northeast, those surveys found.

Clinton was expected to clench the blue collar workers while Obama drew in the college vote. The Democratic electorate in Pennsylvania includes more college-educated voters — a voting bloc that has reliably supported Obama.

The exit polls (2,217 respondents) also showed 59% of voters were women and 41% men. 52% of the males were for Obama and 57% of the females were for Sen. Clinton. Looks like in Pennsylvania the men stuck with the male candidate and the women stayed with the female candidate.

Voters under 40 years old were for Obama; over 40 for Clinton.

David Paul Kuhn of The Politico gives his explanation for how Clinton pulled off Pennsylvania.

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