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Archive for the ‘Fun Stuff’ Category

24: Is Jack Bauer Going Green?

In 24, Culture, Energy, Entertainment, Environment, Fun Stuff, Global Warming, news, Television on August 5, 2007 at 11:04 am


This obviously caught my eye this morning not because I’m a lefty but because I’m a “24” fan. The producers of the show are jumping on the global warming bandwagon by promoting the upcoming 7th season as one dealing with the environmental hot topic. So is Jack Bauer going green on the show or is the show actually going to take measures to do their part on the global warming issue? Seems the answer is both.

Eviana Hartman of the Washington Post writes articles about environmental topics and posted her article today regarding the show and it’s crusade:

Jack Bauer’s Next Mission: Fighting Global Warming

Sunday, August 5, 2007; Page M03

From “An Inconvenient Truth” to popularizing the Prius, Hollywood has helped lead the way on some environmental issues. One of the latest initiatives: Cool Change, Fox’s company-wide program to reduce the network’s impact on global warming. As part of that effort, the seventh season of “24” will take steps to reduce and offset the carbon emissions from the show’s production, with the goal of having the season finale be entirely carbon-neutral.

It may sound like a publicity stunt, but Fox spokesman Chris Anderson says the network isn’t after bigger ratings. “We are publicizing ’24’s’ commitment to climate change for two reasons and two reasons only: to inspire the public to take global warming seriously and hopefully to motivate other studios to make changes to their production practices as well,” he says.

After all, shooting on soundstages requires energy-hungry lighting and gear, and going on location means using portable generators and driving trucks, vans and cars loaded with equipment, costumes and people. When production on Season 7 begins this month, the show’s 26 diesel vehicles and five generators will run on a more planet-friendly biodiesel blend, which will start at 5 percent biodiesel and gradually increase, barring any problems, according to executive producer Howard Gordon.

The show’s electricity bills will go toward renewable-energy credits that will bring a share of wind, solar and water power to Los Angeles’s grid. A diesel-powered soundstage will be converted to electricity, thus lessening the show’s contribution to the local air pollution problem, and the show’s five location scouts will be given Priuses to drive. Scripts, schedules and memos — which used to be hand-delivered by car — will be sent via e-mail.

The “24” page at Fox.com now features energy conservation tips and a public service announcement about global warming featuring Kiefer Sutherland; more information will be posted when the show airs in January. Plus, climate change will be incorporated into the series’ plot (which just might scare some viewers into taking action).

The extent to which the plan will reduce the show’s imprint on Earth is difficult to calculate, but the measures certainly won’t hurt; more shows and films aiming to reduce their carbon footprints could have a considerable impact. Some productions before “24” were green — films such as “Syriana” and “An Inconvenient Truth” were carbon-neutral, as was Comedy Central’s recent roast of Flavor Flav. But “24’s” weekly visibility might spark a domino effect — in Hollywood, Bollywood and beyond.

So maybe this will help boost the audience’s morale and ratings for the new season seeing that many viewers felt a little let down after the sixth season. In any case, Jack can either be taking out a terrorist with a vampire bite or be separating his recyclables in his garage (does he actually have a garage?) – it all does the same thing for me 😉.

By the way, seeing that the Democratic presidential hopefuls are doing absolutely nothing for me, I am officially going to push Jack to run for the lefty presidential ticket.

…in case you missed it the first time around here is the infamous vampire bite scene:

***note: NOT for the squeamish!!!***

Skateboarding: It’s Hazardous To Your Health! Jake Brown X Games Crash

In Fun Stuff, news, Sports on August 3, 2007 at 10:01 pm

So this has nothing to do with politics or local news but everyone should see this. Each time I see this clip I cringe. I’m a mother of a nineteen year old skateboarder who has already had to live through many ankle and wrist injuries, road rash, and a cat scan so this is totally frightening to me.

Jake Brown is the skateboarder in the clip and is one of the top in his sport, winning numerous medals. This is from the X Games on Thursday and he is skating on what is called the Mega Ramp.

The LA Times is reporting Jake’s update:

Jake Brown suffers liver and lung contusions

Skateboarder’s 45-foot fall in big air competition also causes small fractures in his vertebrae and a fracture in one hand.

By Pete Thomas, Times Staff Writer
3:50 PM PDT, August 3, 2007


Skateboarder Jake Brown, whose 45-foot free-fall Thursday night brought a hush to the Staples Center crowd, remains hospitalized after suffering contusions of the liver and lung, stress fractures in his vertebrae and a small fracture on the top of one hand.

Brown, 32, who was injured during the big air competition on the mega-ramp during a silver medalist performance, is expected to be released from California Hospital Medical Center Saturday or Sunday and make a full recovery.

“Doctors said there was no paralysis or anything like that,” said Bryce Kanights, team manager for Adidas, which is among Brown’s corporate sponsors.

Kanights was critical of X Games medical personnel for not immobilizing Brown immediately and placing him in a stretcher.

A hospital spokesman refused to discuss Brown’s condition.

The Carlsbad skateboarder, who missed the transition after soaring nearly 20 feet above the 27-foot quarterpipe and landed backside-and-feet first on flat wood, lay motionless for about two minutes.

He was rolled over a minute or so later and helped to his feet eight minutes after the fall. He was then escorted to a hallway and placed in a wheelchair.

He also suffered a mild concussion and could not immediately remember performing a 720-degree spin across the 70-foot gap leading to the quarterpipe — the first time that maneuver has been accomplished in competition.

But he was still in good spirits. “One of the first things he did was ask for Bubblicious gum,” Kanights said.

Added mega-ramp pioneer Danny Way, who talked to Brown early Friday afternoon:

“Most people would have every bone in their body broke and be in ICU right now. Jake is hurt, but it’s nothing he can’t come back from and be fine in a couple of weeks.”

Cyworld: South Korea’s Version of MySpace

In Culture, Fun Stuff, Internet, Just News, news, Politics, South Korea, Technology, World News on July 24, 2007 at 10:31 pm

Picture from Newsweek.com

Very cool story. Just as our American teens and 20-somethings are staying connected through social networks such as MySpace, Friendster, and Facebook young people in South Korea are doing the same. What really mirrors the two nations is the fact that they too are using this means to learn more about their presidential candidates.

Their version is called Cyworld and was created back in 1999. There are other networking sites in South Korea; however, Cyworld has recently become #1 with approximately 20 million users daily. And just how successful is Cyworld?

Newsweek.com states:

…an estimated $146 million in revenue. (MySpace, by contrast, brought in nearly $200 million in 2006; Facebook a little over $100 million.)

For just a blip about Cyworld’s creation:

Cyworld, says its creators at SK Communications—South Korea’s top Internet provider—was designed to appeal to Koreans with its two-dimensional bubbly cartoon characters and bold graphics. Users exchange real money for the Cyworld currency of dotori, which translates as “acorns.” With it they can accessorize their own pages or buy gifts for others. The virtual currency has become so popular that it spills over into real life, too. Jung-Eun Lee, a 33-year-old Seoul-based reporter, for example, says her birthday gifts included dotori from her husband and Cyworld gifts from friends.

And regarding the political aspect of the network:

Not surprisingly, the politicians’ Cyworld homepages—known as “minihompys”—blend right in with those of their young constituents. The candidates design their characters—complete with virtual wardrobe; fix up their Cyworld homes; they even have Cyworld buddies who generally consist of their supporters. The candidates reach out to their buddies via messages, articles or save-the-date memos for campaign-related events. Another key feature: in order to register, Cyworld users must have a Korean national ID number, so candidates can be sure they’re connecting with genuine voters.

Can you image how our candidates would choose their images? And I’m not ready to see the virtual homes of Ron Paul or John Edwards. Eck! We already have! It’s called Second Life!

Read the whole story about Cyworld at Newsweek.com.

Betty Boop for President

In Fun Stuff, Politics on July 13, 2007 at 2:21 pm

Happy Friday~

From 1932:

Enjoy your weekend!

Craig Biggio: Mr. 3000…actually 3002!!!

In Fun Stuff, Houston Astros, Local News, Sports on June 28, 2007 at 11:02 pm

David J. Phillip / AP Mr. 3000


Horray! He did it! Our 2nd baseman that Houston has been proud of for the past 20 years got his 3000th hit during the 7th inning of Thursday’s game against the Colorado Rockies. 3000 wasn’t good enough for Craig, he ended the night as Mr. 3002! Biggio is the 27th player to reach 3000 career hits.

His 3000th hit brought in Brad Ausmus; however, Craig was tagged out at 2nd. In front of a sell-out crowd at Minute Maid Park, #7 was congratulated by his fellow teammates, his wife Patty, and three children. Overcome with emotion, Craig dragged long-time Astro and friend Jeff Bagwell out to the field to acknowledge the crowd.

Craig Biggio at 3000

Craig has spent twenty years with the Houston Astros – his entire baseball career. I think one of the best things about him hitting 3000 is the fact that he did it at home in front of his friends, family, and fans.


Additionally, Craig had 5 consecutive hits during the game! He had only done this once previously – in 2001. The 5th consecutive hit came in the bottom of the 11th. As Craig was on 3rd, Hunter Pence on 2nd, and Lance Berkman on 1st, Carlos Lee hit a Grand Slam to give the Astros the win! Ending the game at 10:55p.m. and 11 innings, the Astros won 8-5!


For more about this story and Craig’s legacy, check out abc13.com.

Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

June’s Political Best Seller List

In Fun Stuff, Politics on June 27, 2007 at 6:50 am


According to the NY Times:


Based on sales for weeks ending May 26 through June 16, 2007

1 The Assault On Reason, by Al Gore. (Penguin Press, $25.95.) The former vice president’s take on how the Bush administration has degraded the political environment through secrecy, fear and the rejection of fact-based reasoning.

2 The Reagan Diaries, by Ronald Reagan. Edited by Douglas Brinkley. (HarperCollins, $35.) Selections from the 40th president’s daily White House diaries.

3 A Long Way Gone, by Ishmael Beah. (Sarah Crichton/Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $22.) A former child soldier from Sierra Leone describes his drug-crazed killing spree and his return to humanity.

4 Presidential Courage, by Michael Beschloss. (Simon & Schuster, $28.) Profiles of nine presidents who had the courage to make unpopular decisions.

5 Where Have All The Leaders Gone?
by Lee Iacocca. (Scribner, $25.) The former C.E.O. of Chrysler protests the lack of political and business leadership on issues like health care and energy policy.

6 Outrage, by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann. (HC/HarperCollins, $26.95.) An attack on illegal immigration, United Nations profiteers, lazy congressmen and high drug prices.

7 A Woman In Charge: The Life Of Hillary Rodham Clinton, by Carl Bernstein. (Knopf, $27.95.) The Pulitzer Prize-winning Watergate reporter presents a detailed portrait of New York’s junior senator.

8 Lone Survivor, by Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Robinson. (Little, Brown, $24.99.) The only survivor of a Navy Seal operation in northern Afghanistan describes the battle, his comrades and his courageous escape.

9 At The Center Of The Storm, by George Tenet. (HarperCollins, $30.) The former director of the Central Intelligence Agency looks back on his career.

10 The World Is Flat,
by Thomas L. Friedman. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $30.) A columnist for The Times analyzes 21st-century economics and foreign policy.

11 Brothers: The Hidden History Of The Kennedy Years, by David Talbot. (Free Press, $28.) The relationship between brothers, John and Robert Kennedy, and the conflicts that tore apart their administration.

12 Crazies To The Left Of Me, Wimps To The Right, by Bernard Goldberg. (HarperCollins, $25.95.) The author of “100 People Who Are Screwing Up America” attacks liberals and accuses Republicans of betraying conservative principles.

13 The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins. (Houghton Mifflin, $27.) An Oxford scientist asserts that belief in God is irrational and that religion has done great harm in the world.

14 Infidel, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. (Free Press, $26.) A memoir by the Somai-born advocate for Muslim immigrant women, once a member of the Dutch Parliament, who has been threatened with death.

15 The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama. (Crown, $25.) The Illinois junior senator proposes that Americans move beyond their political divisions.

16 Blessed Unrest,
by Paul Hawken. (Viking, $24.95.) Well known environmentalist shares his belief of hope for environmental and social change worldwide.

17 Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army, by Jeremy Scahill. (Nation, $26.95.) A detailed investigation of the private military-industrial entity, Blackwater USA, and its role in the global war on terror.

18 The Secret History Of The American Empire, by John Perkins. (Dutton, $25.95.)An economist and businessman’s account of how global corruption helped strengthened the American Empire.

19 Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, by Vincent Bugliosi. (Norton, $49.95.) A voluminous effort to silence all Kennedy assassination theorists.

20 Her Way: The Hopes and Ambitions Of Hillary Rodham Clinton, by Jeff Gerth and Don Van Natta Jr. (Little, Brown, $29.99.) Two New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning reporters detail Clinton’s personal political career.

Rankings reflect aggregated sales for the weeks ending May 26 through June 16, 2007 at many thousands of venues where a wide range of general interest books are sold nationwide. These include hundreds of independent book retailers (statistically weighted to represent all such outlets nationwide); national, regional and local chains; online and multimedia entertainment retailers; university, gift, supermarket, discount, department stores and newsstands. An asterisk (*) indicates that a book’s sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above. A dagger (†) indicates that some bookstores report receiving bulk orders. Expanded rankings are available on the Web: nytimes.com/books.


In my opinion, “The Reagan Diaries” is a wonderful follow-up to “Reagan: In His Own Hand.” Even if you were not a Reagan fan, his memoirs are intriguing and inspiring. On the left side, I hear that Gore’s “The Assault On Reason” is another good read.

So many books, so little time for me to read. 😦

Evan Almighty Has Arrived

In Fun Stuff on June 22, 2007 at 10:18 pm

Evan Almighty Poster


This ties into politics – trust me.

I’ve just seen Evan Almighty, the “sequel” to Bruce Almighty. Go see this movie! It’s more family oriented than the first one but still has a ton of laughs for kids and adults.

Steve Carell returns as Evan Baxter and this time he has been elected to Congress. As he is just settling in with his political responsibilities, Evan is visited by our favorite man from above: Morgan Freeman – I mean…God. Along with his wife Joan (get it? Joan of Arc?) and his three sons, Evan must follow God’s command to build an ark.

Sounds like a very simple plot – and it is; however, there are some great characters in the film that really add to the story. The ark is incredible and it amazing to see REAL animals on Capitol Hill. Lauren Graham, Molly Shannon, John Goodman, and Wanda Sykes co-star.

Although I think it would have been hilarious for Jim Carrey to make an appearance as one of the reporters, Evan Almighty definitely lives up to the hype.

Lil’ Bush Comes to Comedy Central

In Fun Stuff on June 11, 2007 at 10:27 pm

Lil’ Bush

On Wednesday the 13th, you can check out the cartoon series “Lil’ Bush” on Comedy Central. If you haven’t heard the hype yet, “Lil’ Bush” takes place in the present time but with his daddy (#41) as the current president. Lil’ Bush and his friends (Lil’ Condi, Lil’ Rummy-with Iggy Pop voicing, and Lil’ Cheney) hang out in the White House with their parents and attend the Quayle Elementary School where Lil’ Bush sees Lil’ Laura for the first time. Lil’ Condi is a bit jealous because of the crush she has on Lil’ George. Future run-ins include Lil’ Tony Blair and Lil’ Kim Jong I.

This Wednesday’s episode at 9:30p central time has Lil’ George and his chums going to Iraq in hopes of tracking down some good news about the war to cheer up his dad for Father’s Day.

The pilot episode had Lil’ Bush and his posse protesting because the school cafeteria had a menu change taking the All-American hot dog off of the menu. You feel guilty watching as Lil’ Bush and his friends torture the cafeteria workers Abu Ghraib style.

Created by Donick Cary, the cartoon was originally for mobile customers. Cary has writing credits for David Letterman and The Simpsons. He says that his intent is not political but more for laughs.

You can check it out for yourself. I have included the episode called “The Decider”where Lil’ George and his classmates take over the Oval Office and created nuclear havoc on enemies, schoolmates, and liberals (including Lil’ Mikey Moore). Wait until you see Lil’ Jeb getting smacked on the head and how even in the cartoon world, Babs wears the pants in the Presidential Family.

Official Transcript of a Phone Call Between President Bush and Alberto Gonzales

In Fun Stuff, Politics on May 16, 2007 at 11:09 pm

Bush and GonzalesOk, so it’s not an OFFICIAL transcript. This is from the officious website of George W. Bush. If you are easily offended by vulgar language, racial remarks, and pictures, then do not visit the site. I do not support this site in any way other than the fact that I found some of this pretty funny! I can just hear the two of them.

I have cleaned up this version for you. Enjoy!



THE PRESIDENT: Speedy Gonzales!

GONZALES: Ha, ha, Mr. President! That one always cracks me up. Ha, ha! The Warner Brother’s Loony Tune character Speedy Gonzales, other than being a hilarious counterintuitive caricature of a slow, lazy Mexican, ALSO shares MY last name, which is ALSO Gonzales! Ha, ha!

THE PRESIDENT: How is my favorite Mexurrito?

GONZALES: I don’t recall, jefe.

THE PRESIDENT: Excellent. Are you sure?

GONZALES: I think so, sir. But I can’t be certain. Because after all, I don’t recall.

THE PRESIDENT: Good – because I don’t want my favoritest, most loyal, most likely to fling himself on any political sword to protect yours truly, most scapegoatest yes man toadie to ever lick a boot heel to be unhappy.

GONZALES: As they say in Texas, Mr. President: I’m happier than a coyote eating a biscuit then woooosh! There rolls a tumbleweed past a harmonica-playin’ cowpoke

THE PRESIDENT: Huh. Ain’t never heard that one before. Are you sure that’s Texan?

GONZALES: I don’t recall, sir!

THE PRESIDENT: It certainly sounds Texan.

GONZALES: Just like you and me! Who, if my memory serves correctly, both come from Texas. I think.

THE PRESIDENT: That’s right! Well, s**t, Gonzo, you do seem to be in a good mood. All things considered.


THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, you’re doing a heck of job. I support you.

GONZALES: I appreciate that, sir!

THE PRESIDENT: Like that time you totally suppressed my gazillion or so DUI’s during those crazy days back in Texas?

GONZALES: I did? I don’t recall that.

THE PRESIDENT: Sure, you did. Because you’re loyal. And it wasn’t a gazillion… but one is enough, am I right or am I right?

GONZALES: You’re always right, sir.

THE PRESIDENT: And how about all those times you let me electric chicken fry evil people and/or poor-ass blacks? No matter what them lawyers wrote you, even if it was “The condemned is retarded,” or “The condemned’s defense lawyer fell asleep during the trial,” or “The condemned is innocent,” you just gave the big legal thumbs down and I zapped them dead, like I was God. Not Jesus. The Jew God – because he was badass.

GONZALES: If you say so.

THE PRESIDENT: I just think back to all the good times we’ve had… both of us equally needy, insecure political hacks hankering for cheap power and validation. Albeit, not of equal breeding. You, me, Dirty Harriet, KKKarl, Mama Hughes, we were like a mafia, only not all hairy and Italian. Good times.

GONZALES: Those certainly sound like some good times. How unfortunate that I don’t have any substantive memories of the events to which you refer.

THE PRESIDENT: I just wanted to say what a great job you did the other day in front of the Judiciary committee. What a bunch of f***ing liberal douchetards and turncoat Republican vaginasaurs.

GONZALES: I don’t recall.

THE PRESIDENT: I mean, of course we tried to s**tcan them lawyers – they wouldn’t de-legitimize the damn November elections! Motherf*****s work for me! But you did a fine job of giving them nothing but nothing!

GONZALES: I… I don’t remember?

THE PRESIDENT: Of course you don’t!

GONZALES: Can I have a crunchy apple?

THE PRESIDENT: Right after nap time. Before you go to siestaville, though, I just want to reiterate one thing: I won’t fire you.

GONZALES: Why would you fire me?



Why Mommy is a Democrat

In Fun Stuff, Politics on May 15, 2007 at 11:01 pm

Why Mommy is a Democrat by Jeremy Zilber


 Rush Limbaugh hates it, so you know it’s gotta be good!

Check out the book at http://www.littledemocrats.net

By the way, my nephews are getting this book from me this year.  :o)